Advice on write-up and pregnancy!

Hello everyone.
This is the first time I am posting anything. The reason for this initiation is my exhausting, time consuming PhD and my swollen belly!

So, I started my PhD in chemical science 3-4 years ago and I think I’ll complete it the next year, with the way things are going. I didn’t really planned on getting knocked up during the studies, but oh well, what can I say, some-times some-things are just supposed to happen.

Initially I thought I can handle it, I mean how difficult can it get you know? Turns out that its way too difficult AND exhausting! As I am nearing the end of my course, things have been way too tight, 9-5 in labs and then writing the thesis! And to top it all, my supervisor has retired and went off living at some country side farm! What luck!
I am in crises guys! I have just finished my analysis and only written my first chapter. This is too slow, considering that I have crossed my 3rd year. The university is easy on me due to my situation but I need to hurry up.

My query? How do I write-up in a fast forward way? I would love any advice, especially from the women who have experienced a similar situation! Thank you.

Posted in: PhD Thesis